Music program
Currajong State School has a school band of which we are proud. Members of the band are drawn from children learning instrumental music at school.
All children who join the band are required to wear a band uniform, and be correctly dressed for all performances. Children who are incorrectly dressed will not be permitted to participate.
Instrumental Music
A number of Education Queensland instrumental teachers work in our school on a weekly basis. These teachers/musicians tutor children in a range of instruments. Children are able to commence string instruction in year three, and wind, brass and percussion in year four. A recruitment information evening is held late in the year for the following year. If your child is enrolling from another school and was involved in an instrumental program, please notify the office or music teacher if interested in playing a musical instrument. Some instruments are available on loan for 12 months.
Participants in the Instrumental Music Program are requested to contribute $45 per year to assist with the purchase of sheet music, instrument repairs and band furniture.

The Choir performs at various times throughout the year, and also competes in the Eisteddfod.
All children who join the choir will be required to wear a uniform, and be correctly dressed for all performances. The t-shirt is available for loan for a cost of $20 per year, the shirt remails the property to Currajong State School and is kept in the Music room and issued to the children on the day of the performane. Children who are incorrectly dressed will not be permitted to participate.
Band and Choir Uniforms
Band and Choir uniforms for children are available on loan for a cost of $20 per year. The uniform, a shirt and skirt or shorts, must be returned at the end of the year, or when your child leaves the choir or band. If these uniforms are returned clean and in good condition, a refund of $5 will be given.
The uniforms may only be worn at performance times, and always remain the property of Currajong State School. Children are also required to wear black shoes and white socks with their uniform.