School Context
Our Vision
To foster a resilient community equipped with knowledgeable and ethical citizens.
Our Mission
To nurture positive values in our students, enabling them to contribute to their future communities.
Our Values
Currajong State School is committed to enhancing the learning of our students through our five core values.
Be the best you can:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Resilient
Be Curious
Be Safe
We seek to provide a safe, supportive and predictable environment that is conducive to effective learning. As a school community, we believe that students learn and develop best in an atmosphere of care and kindness, underpinned by reasonable, consistent discipline. An engaging curriculum, dedicated, highly organised teachers and a supportive school community, creates a powerful influence on the development of our children.
Currajong State School’s Responsible Behaviour Plan for students emphasises the provision of a consistent school environment. Through our school plan, shared expectations for student behaviour are explicit. The plan assists Currajong State School to create and maintain a positive and productive learning and teaching
environment. This ensures all school community members have clear and consistent expectations and understandings of their role in the educational process. The matrix on the following page outlines these expectations.
We believe that discipline is a function of care and that the application of consequences for inappropriate behaviour is the result of caring about a child’s development and about the safety and well-being of all children in the school for
whom we are responsible.